Physical Activity

Adverse health outcomes are often seen in breast cancer survivors due to prolonged treatment with side effects such as loss of energy and lack of physical strength. Physical activity (PA) has been proposed as an adequate intervention for women with breast cancer. Due to prolonged treatment, breast cancer survivors may experience loss of muscular strength in their cardiac and skeletal muscles and reduced mobility from abnormalities in their metabolic systems. However, increasing muscular strength may prevent antioxidant loss and improve daily activity among cancer survivors. In particular, the use of large skeletal muscle groups enhances oxidative capacity and improves oxygen uptake during aerobic exercise, while resistance exercise restores muscle mass and increases resting metabolic rate

Even if you feel yourself tired, you have to have some physical activities from time to time because physial activities

* Help you feel physically and emotionally better.

* Affect your cardiovascular system positively.

* Make your muscles stronger.

* Reduces your exhaustion and tiredness.

* Decreases your depression.

* Helps you be happy.

* Makes you feel better.