
Contact Form

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Contact information

Dr Hasan Karanlik, MD, FACS, FEBS, MsC
Professor of Surgery, Breast Surgeon
General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Specialist
Istanbul Universitesi Institute of Oncology
Surgical Oncology Unit, Capa, Istanbul
Tel: +90 212 414 2434 Extension: 34154
Appointment for patient examination
Tesvikiye Istanbul Breast Academy (Clinic)
Tesvikiye Mah. Guzelbahce Sok. 29/10 Nisantasi - Sisli / Istanbul (Across the American Hospital)
Appointment: +90 212 233 8545
Appointment (whatsapp): +90 530 394 1120

American Hospital Breast Disease Unit
Güzelbahçe street, No: 20, Nişantaşı
34365 İstanbul
Appointment: +90 444 3 777 extention: 1651-1652