Curriculum Vitae


Date and Place of Birth: April 1, 1975 – Turkey

Nationality: Turkish Republic

Address 1: Istanbul University, Institute of Oncology, Surgical Oncology Unit, Capa, Istanbul

Address 2: Istanbul Breast Academy, Guzelbahce Sok, 29/3 Nisantasi, Istanbul

Address 3: American Hospital, Guzelbahce Sok, 20, Nisantasi, Istanbul

Telephone: +90 212 233 8545

Cell phone: +90 532 402 5354


Educational Record

1992 – 1998 – Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, M.D. 1992-1998

1998-2001 – Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Department of Surgery, Residency

2001-2004 – Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Residency

2011 – Istanbul University Institute of Oncology, Associated Professor of Surgery

2012 – Istanbul University Institute of Oncology, Subspecialty of Surgical Oncology

2018 – Istanbul University Institute of Oncology, Professor of Surgery

2020 – Istanbul University Institute of Oncology, Master degree of Cancer Epidemiology and Biostatistics

2014 – FEBS – Fellowship European Board of Breast Surgery, Liverpool

2020 – FACS – Fellowship American Colleage of Surgeons

Work Experience

2006 – Present – Istanbul University, Institute of Oncology Surgical Oncology Unit

2015 – Present – Department of Breast Surgery, American Hospital, Nisantasi, Istanbul

Oct – Dec 2009 – European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy, Researcher

June – July 2011 – Camargo Hospital Do Cancer, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Researcher

April 2012 – European Academy of Senology, Dusseldorf, Germany, Researcher

May – June, 2012 – Netherland Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherland, Observer

Oct – Nov 2012 – Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cencer,Newyork, USA, Observer

April 2013 – MD Anderson Cancer Cencer, Houston, Texas, USA, Observer,

Memberships in Professional Societies

1) Society of Breast Diseases Research and Treatment (Member of board)

2) Society of Surgical Oncology (Member of board)

3) Turkish Surgical Society

4) SENATURK – Academy of Senology

5) Istanbul Breast Academy

5) Turkish Medical Association

6) Istanbul Surgical Society

7) Turkish Society of Psyco-oncology

8) American Colleage of Surgeons

9) Euro-Asian Mastology (European-Asian Society for Breast Disease, EURAMA)

10) European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA)


1) Sentinel lymph node biopsy and breast cancer. The best study award in VIIth National Breast Diseases Congress, Antalya, 2003

2) The importance of micrometastasis in sentinel lymph node biopsy. Third study (oral presentation) in VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress, Istanbul, 2005

3) Tymidin labelling index in breast cancer (long term results). Third study (poster presentation) in VIIIth National Breast Diseases Congress, Istanbul, 2005

4) Outstanding military award, Turkish army, Hakkari, 2008

5) The effect of neoadjuvant radiotherapy in the treatment of laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery, the best award in 9th Congress of Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery, Antalya, 2009

6) Guidelines for extended lymphadenectomy in gastric cancer: a prospective comparative cadaveric study. Second study (oral presentation) in 17th Turkish Surgical Congress, Ankara, 2010

7) Laparoscopic rectal resection for cancer: effects of conversion on oncologic outcomes. Third study (oral presentation) in 17th Turkish Surgical Congress, Ankara, 2010.

8) Positive margins in breast conserving surgery: Is reexcision always necessary? Scholarship for young doctors. 16th World Congress of the Senologic International Senology, Valencia, Spain, October 20-22, 2010.

9) Ultrasound-guided lumpectomy is associated with clear resection margins in palpable breast cancer. Fellowship Grant. European Breast Cancer Conference, Vienna, Austria, March 21-24, 2012.

10) Feasibility of targeted  axillary surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with initially  positive clipped node to avoid axillary dissection. The best study award in 15th National Breast Diseases Congress, Antalya, 2019

11) Favorable outcome wıth sentınel lymph node bıopsy alone after neoadjuvant chemotherapy ın clınıcally node posıtıve breast cancer at dıagnosıs: Turkish multicentric neosenti-turk mf-18-02-study. The best study award in 15th National Breast Diseases Congress, Antalya, 2019


Hasan Karanlik is a surgical oncologist specializing in the treatment of breast cancer. He graduated from Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Istanbul University and completed his general surgery residency at the same university. Dr Karanlik then completed a Surgical Oncology fellowship and master degree for Cancer Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Institute of Oncology Istanbul University. Dr. Karanlik has focused his career exclusively on the treatment of breast cancer since 2004. He has more than 100 national and international original articles, more than 200 presented abstracts, awards for young researcher, and 8 best study awards in congresses. He completed all requirements of European Union of Medical Specialists, passed all exams of European Board of Surgery in Liverpool and received degree of Fellowship European Board of Surgery (FEBS). Dr. Karanlik has a special interest in breast conservation, oncoplastic surgical techniques and research studies with multidisciplinary and multi-institutional manner.

He is an active member of the Turkish Surgical Society, Breast Society of Istanbul, and Society of Surgical Oncology. He is a member of the board director of the Breast Society of Istanbul and Society of Surgical Oncology. He has more than 100 national and international original articles, more than 200 presented abstracts, awards for young researcher, and 8 best study awards in congresses. He completed all requirements of European Union of Medical Specialists, passed all exams of European Board of Surgery in Liverpool and received degree of Fellowship European Board of Surgery (FEBS). He visited many institutions as an observer and researcher such as European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy, Camargo Hospital Do Cancer in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Newyork, USA, MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, USA, Netherland Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, Netherland, and European Academy of Senology in Dusseldorf, Germany between 2009 and 2013. He is a member of the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC) in Basel, Switzerland. He is director of the Surgical Oncology Unit Institute of Oncology Istanbul University which is a member of the Breast Centers Network and also works as an active surgeon and clinical researher in the American Hospital which is affiliated with MD Anderson Cancer Center.  Dr. Karanlik has a special interest in breast conservation, oncoplastic surgical techniques and research studies with multidisciplinary and multiinstitutional manner.